To make an offer, your profile must be complete, indicated by a green "Active" icon in your dashboard. If your profile is not complete, then you must resolve any profile items that require attention before you can make an offer. See video Tip #1 - How to resolve profile items
Navigate to your "All" or "New" or "Invited" events in the "My Events" section in the left column. These sections show you, respectively, all events that still have positions open, all new events since the last time you reviewed events that have positions open, and all events that have a position open that you have been specifically invited to by a Hiring Manager. Open any of these events, review event details, ask any questions that you have, view the available positions, make your offer by naming your daily rate, setting offer expiration date, and writing a great pitch to the Hiring Manager. Agree to Cadre's terms and conditions and submit your offer.
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