Get started
Join Cadre, get involved, best practices and protection.
- Having trouble logging into your profile? Try these troubleshooting tips
- Are there self-help resources to help me navigate through Cadre?
- How to improve my profile?
- Is an EIN needed? Why can't I use my SS#?
- How do I check on the status of my Background Check?
- How does Cadre Work?
- How do you ensure the platform solution does not contain vulnerabilities?
- What network security measures are in place (ex. firewall rules, etc.)?
- How will data be protected in transit and at rest, and by what protocols?
- How are my credentials secured?
- What is the difference between Worker's Compensation and General/Employer Liability?
- Can I add Cadre to my phone?
- How do I update my W8BEN form?
- I'm not American; how do I get an EIN?
- Why should I use Cadre?
- Does it cost to join Cadre?
- Am I protected if my event is cancelled?
- How can I view new messages from the Dashboard?
- What does a background check cost?
- Difference between Messages and Notifications?
- Difference between Q&A and Messages?