Onboard your freelance team & build up your team with new ones
Review bids, contract your team, and answer questions.
- How do I review offers from candidates?
- Can I add a position to my project?
- How do I post an event that needs freelancers for both onsite and remote/planning?
- I don't like any of the offers made to my event, how do I view and find additional candidates?
- How does Cadre's search platform work?
- Already have a team of Freelancers, how do I add them to the Cadre Platform?
- Can I contract staff for a specific location?
- I am unable to find a Freelancer when I search their name. Why can't I find them?
- How do I see Local Freelancers Only?
- What does "Favoriting" a Freelancer mean?
- What should I look for in a Freelancer?
- Can I add Freelancers after an event?
- How can I interview a Freelancer?
- Can I hire multiple Freelancers for the same event?
- What does "Shortlisting" a Freelancer mean?